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Social and market research and behavioural insights agency – driven by social value.

M·E·L Research is a specialist market, social and behavioural research and insights consultancy. But M·E·L Research isn’t a standard agency. Our vision is to make a positive difference to organisations, employees, customers and wider society. We push for social value – in why we work, how we work and who we work with.

We provide insight that enables public sector bodies and charities to improve their service delivery. We also explore attitudes and behaviours and evaluate interventions on key societal issues including poverty, mental and physical health and wellbeing, mobility, infrastructure and the climate and environment with residents, customers, employees, stakeholders and businesses.

We deliver social and market research services across various sectors, including housing, health and wellbeing, transport, culture and heritage, sport and activity and the environment.

To ensure we deliver excellent research with a purpose, we work with a clear set of values and quality standards.

More detail on our unique approach to delivering social value for communities, partners and the wider population can be found here.

What sector or service are you looking for?

We work across a wide range
of public service areas


Our highly skilled team are able to conduct many forms of research. Depending on the depth and scope of research required our team will recommend the most appropriate method of research.


Quantitative Research

We have over 35 years’ experience in running quantitative research studies for a range of public services clients; from residents consultations to health and well-being studies to Survey of Tenants And Residents (STAR) projects amongst others.

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Evaluation & Learning Partner

Evaluation is a key part of our business name and we apply rigorous, but practical evaluation techniques to help clients assess the impact and outcome of their project or programme; to determine what works and what doesn’t, why it works and how it can work more effectively.

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Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is all about gathering rich, detailed understanding and insight, that is often difficult to do through surveys and questionnaires. It allows us to research more complex issues and understand why people think and behave in the way they do.

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Employee Experience Research

Our involvement in providing a voice to employees through employee experience research is driven by the fact that workplace experiences have critical impacts upon an individual’s financial security, social mobility, physical health and mental wellbeing.

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Customer Experience Research

We have extensive experience in helping organisations, especially within the housing, local and national government, health, regulatory, environmental and voluntary sectors understand their customers’ needs, measure satisfaction and identify priorities for improvement.

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Case Studies

It can be hard to know which market research consultant to choose when you’re looking for commission research. At M·E·L Research, we believe in transparency and are proud to share insights into the processes and outcomes of the research we’ve conducted for organisations in the past.

Our quality is never an accident, it is always the result of intelligent effort.

Market research can be fraught with issues surrounding transparency, data security and the quality of analysis applied to research. That’s why we’re fully accredited to ISO 9001, 20252 and 27001 as well as cyber essentials plus certified.

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